Baseball star died at the age of 27 - All Sport News


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Tuesday, 2 July 2019


Baseball star died at the age of 27


LOS ANGELES Angels baseball star Tyler Skaggs has died at the age of 27 - just two days after last playing.
The pitcher's death was confirmed by his side in a statement but the cause has not been revealed.
Shockingly, his death comes ten years after former pitcher Nick Adenhart was killed at the age of 22 while playing for the same side.
And in a sad day for sport, Skaggs' passing came after motorcycle champion Carlin Dunne died when he crashed near the finish line of an event he had won four times.
An Angels statement read: "It is with great sorrow that we report Tyler Skaggs passed away earlier today in Texas.
"Tyler has, and always will be, an important part of the Angels Family.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Carli and his entire family during this devastating time."
Skaggs, who was due to turn 28 on July 13, pitched for his side just two days ago in a clash against the Oakland A's.
Angels' match against Texas Rangers, which was due to take place in the early hours of Tuesday morning BST in Arlington, has been cancelled.

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